For ovMbingo Baptist Hospital is the largest of six hospitals run by the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services  60 years, the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services has continued to strive in the provision of high quality, affordable and accessible services to those in need. The CBCHS institutions are distributed in six of the ten regions in Cameroon. There are six hospitals, 24 integrated health centers and 50 rural primary health posts. The CBCHB provides holistic healthcare services, integrating physical and spiritual care, including preventive, curative and rehabilitative medicine. Special services and programs include the HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention Program, central pharmacy, Private Training School for Health Personnel (at Banso), Life Abundant Primary Health Care (headquarters near Banso), Maternal-Child Health, technical services department, health care technology unit, chaplaincy services, Services for People with Disabilities, and residency programs in surgery and medicine (Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons, PAACS and Christian Internal Medicine Specialization, CIMS). The latter three are at Mbingo