Volunteers are utilized to assist in teaching both the surgery and internal medicine residents. General surgeons, obstetrics/gynecologists, internists, pediatricians and pathologists are needed to assist in the busy services as well as to cover when these faculty are on annual leave/at conferences. In addition, physicians in all subspecialties of surgery, medicine and pediatrics, plus radiology, dermatology are needed to teach in their areas of specialty. Volunteers should understand that teaching and not doing cases is their primary goal. Opportunities are available for lectures as well as hands-on teaching.

Most volunteer faculty come for 2-4 weeks, but longer time periods are also available. Volunteers may come through a sending organization such as World Medical Mission/Samaritan’s Purse (http://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/world-medical-mission-2/ ), Medical Teams International (http://www.medicalteams.org/volunteer/volunteer_abroad.aspx ), Medical Education International/Christian Medical Dental Organizations (http://www.cmda.org/WCM/CMDA/Navigation/Missions/Medical_Education_International/Medical_Education_In.aspx ). Follow their application instructions and they will contact us. Alternately, volunteers may come directly through the CBC Health Services Mbingo Office of Medical Education and Research by completing that application (link). For more information, click here (link “basic info for volunteers”).